When you order from Europe, you have the possibility to input your VAT number during the order process. It's optional and it allows you to deduct the 21% VAT from the price if you ship outside Belgiu...
Secure payment options When purchasing on our online shop, all exchanged data is sent using a secure connection. Any data you enter is encrypted using the SSL Protocol, protecting it against disclosu...
Europe, Asia, Africa, Antartica, Australia: An invoice will be sent to you by e-mail within 72 hours after your order has been picked up by the carrier (upon request only for North, South and Central ...
Submit a ticket as soon as possible so we can correct any mistakes that would prevent proper delivery of your product(s). ...
There are several reasons why a credit card payment can be refused : * The credit card used must be either Visa, MasterCard or American Express. * Wrong number, expiry date or CVC, mispelled name...
We do not accept cheques payments. Refer to the Which payment methods do you support [http://support.irislink.com/index.php?/Knowledgebase/Article/View/4/22/which-payment-methods-do-you-support]? art...
In general, we recommend you to go through the knowledge base [https://support.irislink.com/] or our support pages [https://www.irislink.com/en-us/m1890/Technical-Support%E2%80%94-Product-selection.as...
IRIS offers a 30-day Money Back Guarantee. Once orders are picked, they can no longer be cancelled right away. Visit the return section [http://www.irislink.com/return] for instructions on how to can...
If one of the above article didn't help you , if you are looking to contact us for business enquiries or if you want to return a product, do no hesitate to contact us! One of our agent will take care of your request as soon as possible.